Chapter 1

Kamen Riders: Defenders of the Wild

Created and Written by: DK09. Co-Creator: CHiCA Kosaka
Edited and Revised by: DK09.
Riders Contributed by: DK09, CHiCA Kosaka, Adam and Huy

Chapter 1 - Welcome to the Jungle

There is a thunderstorm in the new world. Eubulon is stumbling around the jungle all wet and disorientated and begins mumbling, "No, not again! NOOOOO!" Eubulon collapses to the ground and screams in pain and holds his head. Eubulon has a vision of vines grabbing people and squeezing them until they die. Vines wrap around the city and crush buildings making it rain debris on innocent people. Eubulon's vision stops when someone screams, "I FOUND HIM!" Kit and Len run over to Eubulon, "C'mon, we need to get you inside!"

Eubulon, Len and Kit are inside Eubulon's room in KamenConnection. It's still raining hard and Eubulon is sitting in front of a fire drinking tea, "Thanking you for finding me." Kit is looking out the window when lightning strikes. Kit jumps up and knocks over a chair. Eubulon and Len look at Kit, confused. Kit apologizes, "Sorry, I don't like lightning." Len tells Eubulon that they saw him run into the jungle.
Kit asks Eubulon, "What happened? Are you alright?"
Eubulon looks at them, "No. I'm not. For the past year, I've been having these visions of horror and destruction."
Len's eyes open wide, "Visions? Since when do you have visions?"
Eubulon tells him ever since he returned to his body, "The powers of the force field must have given me new powers."
Kit interrupts, "But we're in the new world, no evil can enter, right?"
Eubulon is startled, "I have to go!" Eubulon gets up quickly when Len shoves him back down, "Master, you need to rest."
Eubulon tells him that there's no time and leaves Kit and Len standing there.

The next day, Eubulon is holding a container with a rock inside and brings it to a laboratory, "Huy, I need your help." 
Huy look startled, "Anything, Master Eubulon."
Eubulon tells Huy that he needs him to analyze this rock fragment. 
Huy nods, "I'll get right on it."
Eubulon smiles and then collapses in pain. Huy runs over to him, "Master!" Eubulon has more visions of vines grabbing people, "Hurry on that fragment, Huy!"

In the middle of the jungle, a new KamenConnection has been built. CHiCA and Adam are watching the students train on the field when CHiCA sighs, "I'm worried about Eubulon."
Adam looks stern, "Me too. I haven't seen him in weeks."
CHiCA tries calling Eubulon but he doesn't answer and CHiCA grunts.
Adam tells CHiCA not to worry about, "Eubulon will be fine." 

Huy is shocked, "Oh my god!" 
Eubulon gets up quickly, "What? What is it?"
Huy tells Eubulon that the fragment has neutral atomic particles that have been de-activated about a year ago."
Eubulon asks, "So the force field doesn't protect us from evil, anymore?"
Eubulon runs out the door, "Thank you!" 
Huy yells after him, "Wait! Where are you going!?!"

Kase is talking with her father, "Well since Janet killed Mark and Maya and all those other people, she'll be locked up in the nuthouse forever."
President Drake hugs Kase, "It's for the best! Have you talked to Slater or CHiCA?"
Kase shakes her head, "No. Slater is busy traveling the new world with Trent and Michelle and CHiCA still holds us responsible for what happened that night."
Eubulon and Huy run into the room, "Sir, we have a problem!"

Kit and Len are at a café talking when someone turns up the TV. Kit points, “Hey, it’s your dad!” Len looks closer, “and Master Eubulon?” President Drake tells the new world about the force field when people in the café gasp, “We need the Kamen Riders.” Len and Kit run out the door. Kit and Len are running down the street when Kit calls CHiCA.

CHiCA tells Adam the news. Adam smacks his forehead, “You go. I’ll stay here and watch the school.” CHiCA smiles and runs through a mirror. 

Kit and Len run into the President's Office when Kit kisses Kase, "Is it true?" Kase nods, "Yea, it's all true." Eubulon tells them that he has their Advent Decks in a suitcase at KamenConnection when Eubulon has a vision of vines crushing the city. Eubulon is shocked, "The city! It's happening!" Eubulon runs out the door with the Riders behind him. CHiCA jumps out of a mirror and asks Huy what's going on. Huy tells her that he'll fill her in on the way. President Drake stops CHiCA, "You know that my family had nothing to do with it. It was all Janet." CHiCA looks at him and runs out with Huy.

In the city, vines wrap around buildings. People are confused when vines shoot out at them and grab them. People being screaming and running away. The Riders run into the streets when Eubulon's nostrils flare, "My visions...they came true." Kase is confused, "What visions?" 

The Riders see a man walking towards them. The man has 4 eyes (2 on his forehead), pale skin, black lightning bolts under his eyes, long dirty silver hair and a huge horn on his head while wearing golden robes. A staff forms out of his hand, "Out of my way humans! Or be crushed!" Eubulon tells the man that they are not leaving, "We are Kamen Riders! And we now defend the new world from people like you! Now, who are you!" 
The man laughs, "Master Tazorac. I used to rule this land 10,000 years ago but now I am back and no one can stop me!"
Tazorac grunts and fires his staff. The Riders duck behind a car.
CHiCA calls Adam, "Get you butt down to Newlandia and bring the Advent Decks!"

5 minutes later, Adam jumps out of a car window, "Hope I got here in time." Eubulon opens the suitcase when CHiCA sees the Torque Deck, "Lock it away. I don't wanna see it." Eubulon takes the Torque Deck when the Riders take their Decks and Daggers and transform, "KAMEN RIDER!" Dragon Knight clenches his fists, "Alright Riders, let's see what this Tazorac can do!"

The Riders step in front of Tazorac, "There's NO escape for you this time!"
Tazorac laughs, "You fools! I am one man that you don't  want to mess with!" and fires his staff.
GUARD VENT. Dragon Knight charges towards Tazorac with his Drag Shields. Tazorac laughs and slashes Dragon Knight to their ground. Dragon-Fist and CHiCA fire their Daggers at Tazorac. Tazorac spins in the air and fires at them. CHiCA and Dragon-Fist land on top of a car. Blancwing and Black Wing fly towards Tazorac with Siren and Wing Knight riding their Advent Beasts. 
Tazorac laughs, "How weak you are!" and fires his staff.
Siren and Wing Knight fall out of the sky and land on the street. kc1000 fires his blaster and does summersaults and ducks Tazorac's blasts when Eubulon speeds through the streets on his motorcycle. Tazorac slashes Eubulon off his motorcycle and Eubulon is returned to his human form. 
Tazorac smiles, "I'll spare your lives for today...but next time, you won't be so lucky!" Tazorac fades away.
Eubulon shouts, "STOP!" and punches the ground, "Ah! He got away!"

Night falls upon Newlandia, where Kit and Kase are sleeping when Kit is having a nightmare. His moving around in the bed wakes Kase up who wakes Kit up. Kit is startled and sweating.
Kase sighs, "You were having that nightmare again weren't you?"
Kit tells Kase that he has to tell CHiCA who killed Mark.
Kase jumps up, "NO! If you tell CHiCA, I'll be sent to jail with Len and my father. What happened was a horrible accident!"
Kit tells Kase, "Exactly, an accident!"
Kase tells Kit, "No. This has already gone too far. CHiCA can never find out the truth. Promise me you'll never tell CHiCA."
Kit looks at her sternly, "I promise I'll never tell CHiCA the truth. I won't risk losing you and my best friend."
Kase smiles, "Good. Now get some sleep. We're gunna need it if 4 eyes shows up again.

>>Chapter 2


Disclaimer: Kamen Riders: Defenders of the Wild is a fan fiction. We NO way shape or form are part of Toei Ltd, Adness Entertainment, or 4Kids Entertainment.

All character descriptions and characteristics in KR: DOKC / KR: DiS / and KR: DOTW are created by DK09 and CHiCA Kosaka. They may NOT be used for another fan-fiction of your own. If you want to write a fan-fic on your own, you must use your own character ideas and CANNOT be a continuation of KR: DOKC / KR: DiS / KR: DOTW.

Kamen Riders: Defenders of the Wild is for entertainment and is NOT for profit.